Mastering GL Coding:
Streamlining Your Accounting Processes for Better Financial Management

Mastering GL Coding: Streamlining Your Accounting Processes for Better Financial Management

Accounting processes refer to the series of activities that are carried out by an organization to record, classify, and summarize financial transactions. The objective of these processes is to provide accurate and reliable financial information that can be used by stakeholders to make informed decisions. GL Codes, also known as General Ledger Codes, play a crucial role in accounting procedures by enabling companies to precisely categorize their financial data. This ensures that financial transactions are accurately recorded and reported, providing companies with valuable insights into their financial performance.

What is a GL code?

A GL code, or a general ledger code, is a unique identifier assigned to each account in a company's general ledger. It is a standardized numbering system used by accountants and bookkeepers to keep track of financial transactions and record them in a company's financial statements. GL codes are usually alphanumeric codes that represent various categories of assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses. They are used to ensure accurate recording and reporting of financial data and to facilitate the analysis of financial performance over time.

Transform your invoice processing with InvoiceAction - the ultimate solution for invoice automation and GL coding. Take control of your accounting process and optimize your workflow with InvoiceAction. Try it today and experience the benefits of seamless invoice automation and GL coding.
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Where are GL Codes Used?

GL codes are used in various financial documents such as invoices, purchase orders, receipts, and financial statements. They are assigned to each account in a company's general ledger, which serves as the central repository for all financial transactions. GL codes are used to categorize financial information and to record transactions in the general ledger.

General Ledger Coding in Accounting Processes

General Ledger Codes (GL Codes) are an essential aspect of accounting processes, allowing businesses to categorize their financial information accurately. Initial GL coding setup involves assigning unique codes to different accounts in the general ledger to identify and classify financial transactions. The GL coding system provides a standardized way to record and track financial transactions across different departments and functions in an organization.

GL coding is typically done during the recording and classification stage of accounting processes. When transactions are recorded, they need to be classified and allocated into appropriate accounts in the general ledger. Each account is assigned a unique GL code, which is used to track transactions related to that account.

Properly using GL Codes can provide businesses with a better understanding of their finances, making it easier to track expenses, manage budgets, and prepare financial statements. However, one of the biggest challenges with GL Codes is the accuracy of the entered data and GL allocations, which can lead to errors and inefficiencies in accounting processes.

Fortunately, document automation systems like Artsyl's InvoiceAction solution can help businesses overcome these challenges by automating the GL-Coding process. Artsyl's solutions support many instruments that make accounting processes more efficient, including GL-Coding during data entry. GL-Coding in Artsyl's products is supported in two ways, depending on the stage where the amount distribution for the extracted data via GL-Coding is made.

Looking to streamline your invoice processing and simplify your GL coding? Look no further than InvoiceAction! Our invoice automation software makes it easy to capture, code, and process invoices in a fraction of the time it takes with manual processes.
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The first method allows the user that configures the workflow at the Administration Station to set up GL-Coding process so that the amount distribution is fully automatic. Verification and Approver operators can see the distribution results and if desired are able to modify them. The second method allows the user that configures the workflow at the Administration Station to let an operator of the Verification Station decide how the amounts will be distributed, first narrowing down the selection to a short list of options applicable to the coding situation, and then letting the operator select the option preferred from a drop-down list, giving the Verification operator full GL coding flexibility during the data entry stage.

Artsyl's InvoiceAction solution for invoice processing automation takes GL-Coding to the next level with its Enhanced GL-Coding feature. It is compatible with both mentioned approaches. The Enhanced GL-Coding process is based on Artsyl’s automation platform tapping to your ERP system’s current setup, and extracting the GL-codes used by your accounting software real-time, so you can be sure that nothing goes wrong and no latest changes on the ERP side are left unnoticed. Your ERP system’s GL-Codes will be available to the Verification Station operator in real time, enhancing their work and ensuring that every invoice you receive will be processed correctly.

The benefits of using Artsyl's InvoiceAction solution with GL-Coding capabilities are numerous:

  • Automated document processing spares businesses from human factor mistakes, leaving more space for high precision, speed, and performance.
  • It ensures that invoices are processed clearly and accurately, allowing businesses to gain a better understanding of their finances.
  • InvoiceAction saves time and resources by automating the GL-Coding process, making accounting processes more efficient and cost-effective.
  • Finally, it minimizes the risk of errors and inefficiencies in accounting processes, reducing the likelihood of financial losses or legal consequences.

Artsyl's invoice automation system supports many instruments that make businesses' lives easier, including GL-Coding and Split Allocations during data entry. By using Artsyl's InvoiceAction solution with GL-Coding capabilities, businesses can gain a better understanding of their finances, improve their accounting processes' efficiency and accuracy, and minimize the risk of financial issues.

GL Code List

GL Code List

A GL code (General Ledger code) list is a comprehensive list of unique codes that an organization uses to categorize and track financial transactions in its accounting system. It is essentially a chart of accounts that provides a standardized framework for recording and reporting financial data.

Having a GL code list allows an organization to maintain accurate financial records and generate meaningful reports that can be used to make informed business decisions. It also facilitates efficient and accurate financial analysis, budgeting, and forecasting.

The specific list of GL codes can vary depending on the organization and its accounting practices, but some common examples include:

  1. 1000 - Assets
  2. 2000 - Liabilities
  3. 3000 - Equity
  4. 4000 - Revenue
  5. 5000 - Cost of Goods Sold
  6. 6000 - Operating Expenses
  7. 7000 - Non-Operating Expenses
  8. 8000 - Taxes
  9. 9000 - Other

It's important to note that this list is not exhaustive and can be customized to fit the needs of the organization. Additionally, some organizations may use sub-codes within each category for further classification and tracking of financial transactions.

Try InvoiceAction today and experience the benefits of streamlined invoice processing automation and accurate GL coding for yourself!
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Types of GL Codes

The GL code list typically includes a set of codes for each type of financial transaction, such as assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, expenses, and taxes. Each code is assigned to a specific account or sub-account within the organization's chart of accounts.

GL codes can be broadly categorized into five types:

  1. Asset GL Codes: These codes are used to categorize and record transactions related to the acquisition, depreciation, and disposal of assets. The use of asset GL codes allows businesses to monitor the value of their assets over time, and to accurately report on their financial position in their balance sheet. Examples of asset GL codes include:
    • 1000 - Cash and cash equivalents
    • 1500 - Land and buildings
    • 1700 - Furniture and fixtures
    • 1800 - Computer equipment
    • 1900 - Vehicles and machinery
    • 2000 - Investments and securities
    • 2100 - Goodwill
    Asset GL codes are typically listed in a company's chart of accounts, which is a comprehensive listing of all of the company's GL codes.
  2. Liability GL Codes: These codes are used to categorize financial transactions related to a company's debts or obligations to others. These codes are used to track and record various types of liabilities such as loans, taxes, accounts payable, and accrued expenses. Liability GL codes are important for accurately recording and reporting a company's financial position and performance. By using these codes, accountants and bookkeepers can ensure that all liabilities are properly accounted for and that financial statements accurately reflect the company's obligations.
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  1. Revenue GL Codes: These codes are used to track the income generated by a business through its sales or services. These codes are used to record the revenue earned from different sources, such as sales, fees, interest income, and other forms of revenue. Revenue GL codes are essential for calculating the profitability of a business and assessing the effectiveness of its sales and marketing efforts. By tracking revenue by GL codes, a business can identify which products or services are generating the most revenue and adjust its strategies accordingly. Additionally, revenue GL codes are used in financial reporting to provide a detailed breakdown of a company's revenue sources.
  2. Expense GL Codes: These codes represent the expenses incurred by a business. They include various types of expenses such as salaries and wages, rent, utilities, office supplies, travel expenses, and more. Each expense is assigned a unique GL code that corresponds to a specific account in the general ledger. This allows businesses to track their expenses accurately and analyze their spending patterns over time. Expense GL codes are a crucial part of the accounting process, as they help businesses to manage their finances effectively and make informed financial decisions.
  3. Equity GL Codes: These codes are used to track the owner's equity in a company. These codes are used to record and track investments made by the owner, such as the initial investment or additional capital contributions, as well as any profits retained in the business. Equity GL codes are also used to track distributions of profits or dividends to the owner or shareholders. The use of equity GL codes helps to provide a clear picture of the financial health of the business and how much the owner has invested in the company.

Say goodbye to manual data entry errors and tedious GL coding – with InvoiceAction, you can automate your invoice processing and get back to what really matters: growing your business.
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Which Industries Use GL coding?

Industries in a broad range of sectors benefit from using GL coding, including manufacturing, retail, healthcare, finance, hospitality, and more. Accurate financial reporting and analysis are essential for any business, and GL coding provides a standardized system for organizing financial transactions and recording them in the general ledger. This enables companies to easily track and analyze their financial data, identify areas for improvement, and make informed business decisions. Additionally, GL coding helps ensure compliance with accounting regulations and standards, which is critical for businesses operating in heavily regulated industries such as healthcare and finance.

GL coding in Invoice Processing

GL coding plays a crucial role in the invoice processing function of accounting. When an invoice is received, the GL code is used to categorize the transaction and record it in the general ledger. The GL code helps ensure that the invoice is posted to the correct account in the ledger, which allows for accurate financial reporting and analysis. Additionally, GL coding can be used to track expenses by category, department, or project, providing valuable insights into a company's financial performance. Overall, GL coding is a vital component of invoice processing and helps ensure the accuracy and integrity of financial data.

In conclusion, GL-Codes are a crucial aspect of accounting processes, allowing businesses to categorize their financial information accurately. However, the accuracy of the entered data can be a significant challenge for businesses. By using Artsyl's InvoiceAction solution with GL Coding capabilities, businesses can automate the GL-Coding process, ensuring that invoices are processed accurately and efficiently. This can provide businesses with a better understanding of their finances, improve their accounting processes, and minimize the risk of errors and inefficiencies. Artsyl's InvoiceAction solution with GL Coding capabilities is a valuable tool for any business looking to streamline their accounting processes.

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